Learn How SAP Solutions Can Help The World Run Better And Improve Lives
23 October, 2018
Eclectic Consulting as a gold partner for SAP implementation in Indonesia is thrilled with the spirit that SAP has stepped back to look at how it has lived up to the company’s vision and purpose to help the world run better and improve people’s lives. We can learn how SAP solutions help the world better.
For this purpose, SAP has embraced the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) from the start, when world leaders adopted them in 2015 to tackle the world’s biggest challenges.
However, how can a global business contribute? What are possible paths to take? How can you make a difference through partnership and collaboration with employees, customers, and partners? Learn by viewing this video:
Click this link for video explanation https://sapvideoa35699dc5.hana.ondemand.com/?entry_id=1_w56hfea4
To help raise awareness of the goals, SAP has launched the Wheel of Purpose, an online quiz that encourages people to explore the SDGs and SAP’s efforts to help achieve them in a fun way. It contains 17 questions, one for each SDG, and focuses on how the enabling power of IT can help eradicate poverty and create a world that assures economic opportunities for all; support good health and well-being and ensure greater equality and diversity; and build a healthier, more sustainable planet.
If you’re curious to find out more, feel free to spin the Wheel of Purpose. Answers to the questions can be found at SAP and the UN Global Goals, where you can also find more stories of how SAP and its customers are contributing in practice.
That is an article from Eclectic Consulting about Learn How SAP Solutions Can Help The World Run Better And Improve Lives. If you would like to see our SAP solutions based on the industry, you may check it through this page: https://www.eclectic.co.id/our-solutions/by-industry/.
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