SAP Business ByDesign for SMEs: Eclectic Consulting’s Approach to SAP Implementation in Indonesia
23 January, 2019
As we know now, SMEs are getting more of SAP’s attention these days. At a recent event aimed at that segment, Eclectic Consulting as the gold partner Sap implementor in indonesia will share a little point of view on SAP Business ByDesign for SME implementation, how it will benefit for SAP implementation company in Surabaya, Jakarta and Indonesia.
Eclectic’s consulting SAP data statistic shows 85% of net-new SAP implementation customers are small-to-medium sized firms from Surabaya, Jakarta and across Indonesia. What Eclectic Consulting as an SAP implementor in Indonesia define for small businesses is a company that having less than 100 workers and small-to-medium sized companies with less than 1,000 workers.
Launched in 2007, SAP by Design originally offered ‘mega-tenancy’ – a kind of which each customer’s data will be physically separated on different server blades. SAP Business byDesign was remodeled to possess more traditional multi-tenant architecture and to allow the SAP solution implementation to scale more effectively and cheaply.
SAP Business byDesign breadth and depth were expanded significantly over the years. It went from a solution that could support service firms and high growth startups to possessing a full manufacturing capability. But the product underwent other changes, too. The software was enhanced to make it viable in more countries such as SAP implementation in Indonesia. It also needed its underlying architecture to be upgraded to utilize the HANA in-memory database technology.
Eclectic Consulting as an SAP consultant felt that each re-working of this product line made it stronger and better but it also put a cloud around it, too (no pun intended). SAP’s internal support for this product line seemed to fluctuate over the years. These attitude changes were noticed by many analysts and, apparently, some partners, too, which is very good.
That is an article from Eclectic Consulting about SAP Business ByDesign for SMEs: Eclectic Consulting’s Approach to SAP Implementation in Indonesia. If you would like to see our SAP solutions based on the industry, you may check it through this page: https://www.eclectic.co.id/our-solutions/by-industry/.
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